Let's talk
Frequently Asked Questions
Quick answers to questions you might have about our Solutions. Can’t find what you looking for? Have a chat with our team!
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Can I use multiple solutions at once?
Absolutely! Zelus Labs solutions are able to seamlessly interact with each other to provide the ultimate experience for customers.
Are you able to integrate with our existing site/app?
Yes! Zelus Labs has API solutions that can be integrated  to bring powerful Web3 functionality to your website, web apps, and mobile apps. Schedule a call with our tech team to learn how else you can integrate Web3 functionality into your existing applications
What blockchains can Zelus Labs operate on?
We primarily use Polygon, but also have the ability to work with other major chains such as Avalanche and Ethereum.
What if I want to use a private blockchain?
In a more customized solution, we can also create a private chain that will suit whatever needs you may have.
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Collectibles Shop

How much time does it take to design and launch my Collectibles Shop?
Zelus provides a quick turnaround that can start anywhere from 2-4 weeks, all the way to a couple of months based on the complexity of the process being put into place.

Proof Pins

How can ProofPins be used to further my business?
Proof Pins can be used in a wide variety of ways to further your business including proof of attendance, merchandise authentication, Loyalty Rewards Programs, and many more.
Can I use ProofPins at an event outside of the USA?
Absolutely! Zelus would just have to change the geo-targeting for that event to a region outside the USA. While there are a few technical things Zelus must setup behind the scenes to allow for this, it can definitely be done.
Can users transfer their ProofPins?
While Proof Pins are meant to authenticate attendance at an event and are typically not meant to be transferred, it’s entirely up to you if you would like them to be transferable or not!
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Do KeyTags require power and can they be updated?
No, our KeyTags draw their power from the device that scans it, meaning there are no cables, batteries, or power supplies required.
Where can I put KeyTags?
KeyTags can be put on almost any surface including plastic, glass, clothing, sneakers, and pretty much anything else you can think of!
How big are the the KeyTags?
We offer KeyTags in a variety of shapes and sizes from 16mm discs all the way up to 150mm x 150mm square stickers.
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Rewards Programs

Does Zelus Labs handle fulfillment for Rewards Programs?
Unfortunately not, while we would love to be able to handle the process from end to end, logistically it makes more sense for the owner of the rewards program to fulfill any rewards that may come from the program since they have access to inventory, the rewards system, etc…
Are you able to integrate with an existing loyalty program?
Of course! All of our solutions are able to integrate into your existing loyalty program.

Zelus Wallet

What does setting up a wallet entail?
It’s as easy as entering your email and clicking submit! Our backend tech takes care of all the hard parts so all you have to do is type in your email and enjoy all the digital goodies headed your way!
Do people need to download the mobile wallet to participate in my program?
Surprisingly, no! Zelus Labs utilizes our Invisible Wallet to create and maintain a wallet tied to your email address - eliminating the need to download yet another app on your device.
Does Zelus Labs have access to people's wallet and personal information?
Nope. Although we create and maintain your wallet, it’s completely non-custodial and the only personal information we collect is your email address.
Do people need crypto currency to participate in my program?
Not at all! Anybody can participate in your program as long as they enter a valid email address regardless of their crypto holdings.

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